Silly baby! He must have really enjoyed our trip to MN... because today he packed up the necessities (dvds, stickers, a camera, and 3 baseballs) to bring with him for a return visit. He told me, "I'm going to Minnesota. I'm going all by myself! I'll see you in two weeks!" I asked what he was going to do in MN, and he told me that he'd go to visit Grandpa Erickson (I guess he doesn't realize that Gpa lives in Indiana...). As you can see, he buckled himself into the wagon, and told me to pull him to the airport. Oh yeah... and he wasn't wearing any pants. Wonder what the other travelers would think about that!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Going to Minnesota - All by myself!!!!!
Silly baby! He must have really enjoyed our trip to MN... because today he packed up the necessities (dvds, stickers, a camera, and 3 baseballs) to bring with him for a return visit. He told me, "I'm going to Minnesota. I'm going all by myself! I'll see you in two weeks!" I asked what he was going to do in MN, and he told me that he'd go to visit Grandpa Erickson (I guess he doesn't realize that Gpa lives in Indiana...). As you can see, he buckled himself into the wagon, and told me to pull him to the airport. Oh yeah... and he wasn't wearing any pants. Wonder what the other travelers would think about that!
In case you were wondering...
Play-doh and coconut milk do not mix. Ever. Carter thought it would be a fun science project (and I was obviously not watching him too closely)... maybe I shouldn't let him play with play-doh when there is food around?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Wiggles!
Our little musician is SO in love with the Wiggles! (For those of you who are out of the loop, it is a kids' show with a funny English band). This morning, Carter was watching them on tv, as usual, and told me, "Sam is coming to my house. He is going to play with me. Murray will come to my house too. It will make me so happy." Aw!!! So, I really don't have the heart to break it to him that the Wiggles definitely aren't coming over for a playdate... so sad. However, it did prompt me to check online to see if the Wiggles would be coming out on tour soon - and, sure enough, they'll be here next week!! Carter and Daddy are going to have an AWESOME time! But... shhhh... don't tell Carter! It is a surprise :) We've recently discovered that the anticipation of exciting events makes it impossible for Carter to sleep... and I really don't want him to be awake until next Monday!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Our Visit to Nana's House
Silly Daddy!
Carter LOVES his Nana!
Look how beautiful and green it is!
more fun at the park
This post is obviously a LOT late, but we just finally downloaded the pictures from the camera, and it reminded me to write! We visited Nana in Denver for Memorial weekend. Of course, it was nice to be in the cooler weather... but mostly, we just love hanging out at Nana's house. Carter sleeps SO well there - I'm not sure if Nana just wears him out, or if it is a combination of the super dark room and the amazing smell of essential oils (he sleeps in Nana's massage room), but we actually had to wake him up at 9 every day! Ahhh... Chris and I finally got to catch up on our sleep too!
Carter had a blast playing with Nana and Poppy. We went to the park, the bounce house, and played with the dogs. Carter was super nervous around Nana's new puppy, Coco. He kept yelling, "No, Coco! Don't eat my feet!" whenever Coco came too close. He'd shout, "Mommy, I need a hug!" whenever he wanted me to scoop him up and get him out of Coco's path. Adorable! But definitely makes me think twice about getting a puppy...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I'm not sure why half of the super cute things that Carter does relate to God/church/etc, but it seems to inspire his most adorable behavior!
Here's the "transcript" of our conversation after church today:
me: What did you do in church today?
Carter: I prayed.
me: You prayed?
Carter: I prayed to God.
me: What did you pray about?
Carter: I prayed for juice.
Ah, well... at least he's praying :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Long Weekend at the Cabin

enjoying the drive up north
The little guy loved playing his harmonica and guitar outside on the porch swing... just singing along to his favorite songs for hours! Who says he has a short attention span?? Carter was mesmerized watching the yard workers trimming some of the huge trees on the property - he exclaimed, "Look! It's Bob the Builder!" Later, at the park, he ran up to a dog with his hand outstretched, shouting, "Good dog! Want to smell me?" Love it!
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