Carter's Big Debut!
(in the middle, striped sweater - next to the kid in an identical sweater... lol)
How adorable! Last night was Carter's school's Christmas party. We didn't go last year, so we really didn't know what to expect. We were surprised when the kids were called up on stage to perform with little bells. Carter hadn't said anything about learning Christmas songs, practicing with the bells... nothing! Sometimes I wonder if he even notices what happens at school :) They sang a few Christmas songs, rang their bells, and looked absolutely precious! Especially MY little performer! Carter spent one entire song covering just his right ear... he later told us that he could hear himself better that way. What a rockstar :) He lost his bell in the middle (who knows where it flew off to!), and he gave the cutest pouty face... of course, mom ran over and got a new one from his teacher. All was well, once he got a new bell! He just loved being up on stage - I'm sure it won't be the last time!