Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

Today is the day that we get to wear Carter out by letting him play and play and play with all of his new toys. Lucky duck got everything he wanted for Christmas - and even more. The highlight of it all was a new drum set. Music to our ears. Sort-of. He's also enjoying the coolest blow-up car that works with the Wii remote/steering wheel, so he can really "drive" while playing the racing car games. Sweet! Toys just weren't this cool when we were little.

We were so blessed to have so much time with family this Christmas season. Nana visited us last week, and was able to spend almost a week with our sweet boy. Oh, how he LOVES his Nana! I don't think there is anyone else who can listen to him talk endlessly for so long and still find patience for him. Not to mention, she brought super-cool remote controlled cars.

Lots of time was spent with Aunt Kiki and her boyfriend, Scott, who were home visiting from Minnesota. I'll bet they were glad to be enjoying our 70+ degree weather!

It is hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a close. We are sure that 2011 will be our best year yet - full of noise, laughter and big surprises!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How Much We Do!

My sweet husband was telling Carter how he should appreciate his mom because of how much I do for them. So, Carter comes out and says, "Mom, appreciate us because we do so much for you!" Hahahaha!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Potty Mouth!

My silly boy has discovered the hilarious world of potty/poopy humor. Oh dear! His latest favorite thing is to record his own voice saying ridiculous things like, "I pooped in the toilet! I pooped in my pants!"... and then he laughs, and laughs, and laughs... so silly!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Love You Forever

C: Mommy, will you love me forever?
Me: Of course, I will!
C: Thank you, mommy. That is nice.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

All Night!

Carter was up pretty late last night, just playing in his room and talking to himself. When he woke up this morning and come into our room, he was wearing UNDERWEAR! He said that he changed out of his pull-up and into his underwear before he fell asleep last night... which means he actually had his very first DRY night! Very cool! Getting bigger and more independent every day.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


It seems as though we have accidentally hit the "questions" button on Carter... and I can't figure out how to turn it off!! Yeah, yeah... we know it is cute... but seriously! How many times can you be asked how old you are, whether you are right-handed or left-handed, or if you are older/younger than someone? While some strangers think it is cute, there are many who don't enjoy sharing these personal details with my inquisitive 4-year-old. Is it too young to teach him how to read someone's body language to determine whether or not they want him to talk to them? Hmmm... maybe!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Go to SLEEP!

My poor child is terribly sleep deprived... ridiculously cranky... and just not very nice to be around these days. Why? Well, other that just being 4... he's also in the process of giving up the treasured nap. Children don't seem to have quite the appreciation for mid-day siestas that they should. Personally, I would LOVE to take a nap everyday. Wish he'd agree!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Carter!

We celebrated Carter's 4th birthday today at our favorite park. Our family and friends ate donuts, played on the jungle-gym, and enjoyed the sun. It was a beautiful morning! We are so glad to be able to spend our happiest moments with such special people.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I awoke at 5am to Carter yelling from his hallway, "Mom! I NEED you!" Of course, half-awake, I ran over there and found him sobbing. "I-I-I g-g-got s-si-sick!" Since he has only had a mild cough lately, I wasn't really sure what was going on... " You threw up?" I asked. "Yes! A few days ago!" he cried.

Seriously?! You woke up at 5am to cry about throwing up a few DAYS ago?! (which was actually a few weeks ago... we're working on elapsed time :)

Poor kid probably had his first nightmare. When he re-woke-up this morning, he asked me, "Why did you come in my room this morning?" I just can't win! :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Almost FOUR!

It has been a while since I've had a moment to write (or actually thought about writing!), so I have some catching up to do. Carter has had an awesome past few months. He is seriously obsessed with his hats, belts, fireman boots, and bike. Can you believe that he is already riding a big-boy-two-wheeler bicycle?! Our little guy is growing up faster than we ever would have imagined. His favorite thing to do is to "ride bikes with Tony"... every afternoon, every weekend, no matter what! He'd ride outside in the pouring rain, if we'd let him. Carter is certainly developing a strong personality. Aside from his usual chatty self, he has found some independence at home and school - and is testing his teachers and parents ALL the time. It can be tough to keep up with him, but I know that he's slowly figuring out who's the boss - and it's not him! He has been practicing using his "listening ears" (just watch him turn them on!), and is working on earning his bike time every day by making good choices. He's slowly turning into a mini-foodie, thank to his parents constantly dragging him to new restaurants. He now turns up his nose at take-out, and would much rather go to the "taco shop" or our neighborhood coffeeshop, Luci's... is it strange that they seem to know him there? He's just so darn likeable and outgoing, no one can miss him! Carter has also started swimming lessons again, thanks to my dear friend, Summer. Hopefully I'll get some pictures posted of that soon - it is super cute!! He's really looking forward to his birthday - and he has a long list of things that he'll do as soon as he's four (apparently it is some kind of magic number?). He'll eat his vegetables, like broccoli, ride his bigger bike without training wheels, etc... He might be mildly disappointed to find that four isn't so much different than 3.75.

Friday, January 1, 2010

San Francisco

Better late than never, right?

For Thanksgiving break, we took a wonderful road trip to San Francisco to visit Aunt 'Lissa and Uncle Lazaro. Everyone we talked to looked at us like we were CRAZY to attempt such a trip with a 3-year-old, but we decided to give it a whirl... we really owed them a visit! It had been nearly 8 years since Chris and I had made it up there.

So, the trip began... Carter was AMAZING! He watched movies and listed to music the entire time. Better than we ever could have expected. We stopped for 2 nights in Yorba Linda to visit at Aunt Cathy and Terry's homes. On the way back, we were able to spend a night at Aunt Julie's house, and saw the whole Ewing side of the family - including almost all of the cousins. Wow, we felt productive!

The time spent in San Fran was wonderful. Carter LOVES his aunt and uncle. He especially loved learning funny new phrases from Uncle Lazaro - "We're the best of the best of the best!" and "Ohhhh, yyyeeeahhhhh!". Too cute! We took a day in the city, another in Berekley, and the rest just hanging out together at their home. It was a perfect trip (except I was sick the whole time!). But I had unlimited tea served to me, and lots of people to help look after my boy while I rested. Perfect!


Big-Boy Bike!

Another wonderful visit from Nana came just in time for Christmas. She came to see us the week before Christmas, so we could all visit Globe together for Great-Grandma Billie's 80th birthday party. Carter was a perfect angel on the 2 hour drive, and was a hit at the party... singing, dancing, and playing his harmonica for all to hear!

Nana brought the best present of the year - a big-boy bike! Carter is THRILLED to be "just like Tony" (next door neighbor, 3 months older than Carter). Every time he sees Tony outside, he runs to get his helmet and bike, and insists on copying everything that Tony does... including every time Tony falls down. Oh boy!