Better late than never, right?
For Thanksgiving break, we took a wonderful road trip to San Francisco to visit Aunt 'Lissa and Uncle Lazaro. Everyone we talked to looked at us like we were CRAZY to attempt such a trip with a 3-year-old, but we decided to give it a whirl... we really owed them a visit! It had been nearly 8 years since Chris and I had made it up there.
So, the trip began... Carter was AMAZING! He watched movies and listed to music the entire time. Better than we ever could have expected. We stopped for 2 nights in Yorba Linda to visit at Aunt Cathy and Terry's homes. On the way back, we were able to spend a night at Aunt Julie's house, and saw the whole Ewing side of the family - including almost all of the cousins. Wow, we felt productive!
The time spent in San Fran was wonderful. Carter LOVES his aunt and uncle. He especially loved learning funny new phrases from Uncle Lazaro - "We're the best of the best of the best!" and "Ohhhh, yyyeeeahhhhh!". Too cute! We took a day in the city, another in Berekley, and the rest just hanging out together at their home. It was a perfect trip (except I was sick the whole time!). But I had unlimited tea served to me, and lots of people to help look after my boy while I rested. Perfect!