Saturday, January 29, 2011
The BEST Feeling!
For the last couple of days, I've felt a tiny bit of fluttering in my belly - but surely, this is too early to be feeling the baby, right? Since I wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I went to my number one source for random information - google. Oh, how I love google! Sure enough, various websites concur that 13 weeks isn't too early to feel the baby, especially if you are a second-time mom. Then, last night, as I tried to go to sleep, baby decided to have a dance party! There was no mistaking it this time - this baby is definitely moving! I am absolutely in love with the feeling of these tiny movements - boy, have I missed this!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Just Peachy!
Week 13 is here! I am officially starting the second trimester, and I couldn't be happier to be out of first. It really seems like time is flying by - I'm sure August will sneak up on me before too long! This week, baby is busy developing teeth and vocal cords (hopefully not too loud!). He is also nearly 3 inches long - amazing how quickly he's grown from just a tiny little blueberry, a few weeks ago.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sweet Boy!
That's right! Another BOY will be joining our little family on or around August 4th. We knew it was a long-shot to find out the gender at this morning's appointment, but the ultrasound technician was sure about our little man. We are so excited, and looking forward to telling Carter. Thank goodness I saved all of those clothes!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Yeah, I know you are going to think I'm crazy. But, really, what else is new? Since I am married to the world's biggest tree-hugger, and I'm easily influenced by adorable baby products, we are going to be cloth-diapering for baby #2. Now, beforeyou start telling me horror stories - let me assure you: this is NOTHING like your mom's old-school cloth diapering! These gorgeous little diapers are practically as easy as a disposable diaper, with the added benefit of saving about $2000 and avoiding an extra few thousand pounds of toxic waste, chemicals and plastic from entering our landfills. Here's a picture of one of our first cloth diaper purchases.
I've been amassing a small collection - I have about 15 newborn diapers and 5 for the next size. I'll be waiting until the gender scan to buy the rest in super girly or boyish colors. Can't have green and yellow for everything!
NT Scan Countdown
I am counting down the seconds until my appointment Tuesday morning. It is for a Nuchal Translucency scan, which gives more information for possible defects or higher risk level for Down's Syndrome. I am not concerned about the results of the ultrasound - I know we will love our perfect baby, no matter what happens. I am just so excited to get to see him/her again! We had a very early ultrasound at about 6 weeks, and the baby just looked like a tiny blob. No arms, legs, etc had developed yet. I can't wait to see the progress that it has made... and if we happen to be about to see the gender early, even better! Only 2 more days!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
1 Day / 1 Week
We certainly seem to have fast-forwarded a bit! I was only in the "lime" stage for 1 day, since I thought I was due later in August than my doctor told me yesterday. Glad to already be at 12 weeks and counting! It is hard to believe that the baby is already 2 inches long - and almost all of the baby's systems are fully formed. Wow! 
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I don't think there is ANY sound more amazing than hearing your baby's heartbeat. It just seems so absolutely miraculous that there is a tiny person - growing inside of me! I had an appointment this morning to meet with my doctor (who I've actually never met, since I always see the nurse practitioner). Thank goodness I brought my mom with me - the 40 minute wait dragged on forever! Just when I was sure that they had forgotten about me, she finally came in. It took her awhile to locate the baby with the doppler, but she finally found it and we got to hear that wonderful sound. 170 beats/minute! She also confirmed that my due date is August 4th - different that the August 9th that I had previously thought. So, that means that baby is
already a "lime"! First trimester has really flown by.
So thankful that my appointment was so perfect today. We have another appointment next Wednesday for a detailed ultrasound, and I'm so excited to visit my little one!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Dirty Floors
Can't Love You Tomorrow
Last night, Carter was being super cuddly with my stomach. He was rubbing it, kissing it, and jabbering away... "I love you sweet baby. Have sweet dreams! I am showing you love right now, but I'm not going to be able to show you love tomorrow because I'm going to the park and I'm going to be really busy."
Well, then. At least he was thoughtful enough to let baby know!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
We are so thankful to have saved most of our baby gear, crib, and all of the necessities. Once we find out if baby is a boy or girl, I'll probably just have to do some shopping for fun!
I am 11 weeks pregnant, and baby is about the size of a prune. Next week will be a more attractive fruit, I'm sure :)
I have been feeling pretty good so far. I've been a little more tired than usual, with occasional waves of nausea, but definitely nothing too bad. Chris might say I'm more cranky than usual... I'm blaming the hormones! I have an appointment next Wednesday with my OB, and my next ultrasound in January 26th. SO excited to see our wiggly baby moving around!
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