I hope you will forgive the late 10-month birthday post. Charlie and I are in Minnesota for Aunt Kiki's graduation from St. Olaf! I'm actually typing this entry on my phone on the floor in the bathroom of my hotel room, so Charlie can nap. Ahhh, the life of a mother!
This month was great, of course! So many new things going on and Charlie is just trying so hard to master new sounds and skills.
This month...
Charlie finally started crawling on all fours - he still occasionally uses his alligator/army crawl, but not too often.
He finally says momma! He also says, "mmmm!" when he likes his food, and "uh-oh". My favorite is, "gee!" (get it, for those of you that don't speak baby).
We met cousin Talon and celebrated his first birthday. Charlie wasted no time crawling over and stealing/sharing his first cupcake. Kid loves his sweets!
We had a great visit to Phoenix! Charlie visited with Nana, Grandpa E and Grammy, Grandma and Granddad, Aunt Paige, and lots of other special people.
He's been fighting a cold for a couple weeks. Boogers galore! Boy, does he HATE having his nose wiped.
He got three new teeth in one week. This made for a very sad, cranky baby. Lots of sleepless nights for us both, but that toothy grin sure is adorable!
Someone learned how to climb the stairs. Bleh! Time to start using baby gates...
Charlie is pulling himself to standing. He loves to see what is on the coffee table!
He squawks like a pterodactyl - not good for special events, like graduation, but still hilariously cute.
Blowing spit bubbles is super fun - and gross - but kept him rather entertained on our flight to MN.
Charlie continues to get cuter, smarter, and more precious every day - who knew that was even possible?! He charms everyone he meets... which really comes in handy when traveling! Love our sweet baby so much!