Monday, February 28, 2011
I just got home from Carter's dentist appointment. He is getting close to losing his first tooth (not counting the one that he knocked out 2 years ago). His bottom front tooth is super wiggly, and the dentist said it'll probably only last another week. Of course, we had to do a quick run-down of the Tooth Fairy with Carter, since we've never talked about it before. I may have changed our Tooth Fairy's rules, though... Carter thinks that his Tooth Fairy will probably bring him a new book, instead of money. Shhh- don't tell!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
17 Weeks
I am happy to have to many things to focus on in my very busy life, that this pregnancy is just zooming right along. Even though it is moving quickly, I am trying to capture and memorize each tiny little flutter and flip in my stomach, since I know that this baby will be our last one. I am so excited for the time - just a few short weeks, I'm sure - when Carter and Chris can feel this little guy moving around. Carter is going to love it! It is hard to believe that Carter is going to be a big brother is just 5 more months!
Baby is already 5 inches long, and is just about 6 oz. I have been feeling great! I'm definitely in the wonderful 2nd trimester - no more nausea or exhaustion, and I'm happily stockpiling little things for our new boy. We are so lucky to have cousins that are giving us a crib to use (Carter's was a drop-side crib, and those are a big no-no now). I feel like my nesting is already kicking in!
Monday, February 21, 2011
No Phthalates in My Milk, Please!
Our family is always looking for ways to decrease our carbon footprint in the world, and make safer choices for our family. Even though many baby bottles have gotten hip to the no-BPA-in-plastic movement, we just feel that plastic really shouldn't be in contact with our family's food if we can avoid it. Here is one of my latest baby purchases:

Silikids BPA Free Siliskin 4 oz Bottle in Aqua
Glass bottles are very safe, and the silicone cover protects it when baby decides to chuck it across the room. It makes me feel a little old-fashioned, but for the few times baby might need a bottle, I just don't want to be worried about the toxins that he's eating!
Silikids BPA Free Siliskin 4 oz Bottle in Aqua
Glass bottles are very safe, and the silicone cover protects it when baby decides to chuck it across the room. It makes me feel a little old-fashioned, but for the few times baby might need a bottle, I just don't want to be worried about the toxins that he's eating!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Avocado Bump
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Oh, holy hilariousness! Watching a child bowl is always sure to get a good laugh. Watching MY child bowl is sure to have you rolling on the ground, clutching your sides, and gasping for air while you laugh until it hurts. Chris had the brilliant idea to go bowling this morning at the beautiful new lanes downtown. It felt more like being in an upscale lounge than a bowling alley. Thankfully, it was nice and slow on a Sunday morning, since they really market themselves as a night-spot. We got our shoes, ordered some french fries, spilled a glass of water everywhere, watched Carter throw himself on the ground in despair every time he missed, and had a pretty awesome time together. This will definitely be something to do again soon.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What is the Point?
What is the point of children's sports teams? Is it to teach them how to play the game? How to act like a good sport? Practice listening to directions? To just have fun? I contemplated this today, as I watched Carter's last t-ball game of the season. Instead of paying attention to the game, he was busy climbing trees, kicking a soccer ball around, and running everywhere but on the field. One of the moms said to me, "Well, at least he's having fun, and that's why they do this!" Hmm. I'm not so sure I want to spend $100 every 8 weeks, just for "fun". Can't we have fun climbing trees, kicking soccer balls, and running around at home? For FREE? Just sayin'.
I think we are going to attempt another sport for the next season. Carter has his heart set on playing basketball, and I think it might be a little more engaging than t-ball. If he's off climbing trees in the middle of those games, we just might need to take a break from sports teams for awhile, though!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My Little Mathematician
Since I'm a teacher, I've had experience with a broad range of children and ability levels. And, somehow, my own child still absolutely amazes me with his natural mathematical inclinations. For the past year or so, he has been obsessed with people's ages and comparing who is older/younger. Not only was it super cute (and sometimes annoying), but it really helped build his number sense. Couple that with way too much time on the Wii, and learning how to read numbers through the ten thousands place because of the scores, he is just flying with his math skills.
This past week, his class was working on identifying numbers 1-20 - BORING! Well, actually, totally age-appropriate, but not for my kiddo. Luckily, his teacher is awesome, and she taught him how to count by 2's instead. He has been showing off all week, counting by 2's up to 50 for anyone who will listen!
Last night, I asked him if he knew that we could count by groups of 10. He said he didn't know that, so I just counted by 10's up to 100, just to show him. Not only did he immediately repeat the sequence... but then he continued to count by 10's to 200!! Who showed him that?! My little mathematician - he amazes me! His kindergarten teacher is going to be in trouble next year!
Week 15
It suddenly seems to be quite appropriate that I've been craving oranges and orange juice for a month now! My little boy is already 4 inches long, and is trying to make himself known by flipping around so I can feel him. The movement has gotten stronger and more consistent this week, but I still can't feel it constantly. Another couple weeks, and I'm sure I'll be missing the subtlety of his movements now!
The visit to the birth center was amazing. It is the perfect place to have a baby. We are waiting to hear what our insurance company thinks about our plan, and I will continue to see my OB in the meantime. I have an appointment next Wednesday, so we'll get to check in on our little guy then. Can't wait to hear his strong heartbeat again!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Pain in the...
This morning started off with a little scare. I had been up much of the night, just not feeling well, when I started to have really sharp pains in my abdomen. They continued to come and go for the next few hours, and I was getting pretty concerned. On my way to drop Carter off at school, I called my doctor and they told me to come right over to get checked out. Thankfully, baby is doing just fine. She thinks that the pains are related to some kind of virus, and I have to just let it work itself out of my system. Seriously uncomfortable, but I can manage.

Is it really week 14 already? Time is flying! We are going to check out a beautiful birthing home on Saturday. It would involve a switch from OB to midwife care, which is really more my style. I am praying that it isn't too expensive, and that it will fit our wants/needs. Want to check it out? - I'll let you know what we think after we visit!
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