This morning started off with a little scare. I had been up much of the night, just not feeling well, when I started to have really sharp pains in my abdomen. They continued to come and go for the next few hours, and I was getting pretty concerned. On my way to drop Carter off at school, I called my doctor and they told me to come right over to get checked out. Thankfully, baby is doing just fine. She thinks that the pains are related to some kind of virus, and I have to just let it work itself out of my system. Seriously uncomfortable, but I can manage.

Is it really week 14 already? Time is flying! We are going to check out a beautiful birthing home on Saturday. It would involve a switch from OB to midwife care, which is really more my style. I am praying that it isn't too expensive, and that it will fit our wants/needs. Want to check it out? - I'll let you know what we think after we visit!
i'm a lemon this week, too. how exciting! glad the doctor said the baby is doing well. hopefully your insurance will pay for midwife care in a birthing home; a lot of them are getting with the program and figuring out women want to exercise their options so you have that on your side. :)