Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Month One Recap (just a little late!)

I am really good at a lot of things.  But I am really bad at keeping track of important dates/milestones.  You would think that a baby book would be the perfect thing... but I can never seem to remember to write anything in it.  Occasionally, I'll think about it, but that usually happens when I'm out to lunch or in the shower or somewhere decidedly bad for actually following through and writing.  So, in an attempt to keep track of some stuff - here is a (late) recap of Charlie's first month:
  • You graced us with your presence 10 days early.  Thank you!
  • You were a water-in-water baby (water birth, plus born with the amniotic sac intact)
  • You had a fabulous head of hair, but at one month it is half-way gone.
  • You sleep about 4 hours at a time at night.  Not bad!
  • You aren't very fond of the pacifier.
  • You still haven't had a bottle yet.
  • You stay awake for about 1 hour between 2-3 hour daytime naps.  Such a sleeper!
  • You aren't thrilled by the swing or the bouncer.  You only tolerate them for about 5 minutes.
  • You are a "hold-me" baby and always want to be in someone's arms.
  • You have visited at least a dozen restaurants around Portland.
  • You make the most unbelievably cute face when you stretch right after eating.
  • You seem to choke and cough every single time you eat.
  • You spit up a ton. Gross.
  • You love the bath, and big brother loves to help bathe you.
  • You grew out of your newborn cloth diapers in 3 weeks - they were supposed to last 3 months!
  • Your brother calms you down when you are fussy by singing, "Twinkle, Twinkle".
  • You started smiling - REAL smiles - at 4 weeks old.
  • You can only manage a few smiles a day.  Hard work!
  • You will nap anywhere - the car, the couch, our arms, the floor, the crib.
  • You moved into your crib at 4 weeks old.
  • You are a super noisy sleeper.
  • You rarely cry, and just "complain" a little bit.
  • You are gaining weight like a champ - 11 pound 6 ounces at 1 month old.
  • You have perfect chipmunk cheeks.
  • You are pretty much the most amazing baby I ever could have dreamed of.
Only a couple of weeks until he is two months old.  Time is going too fast! I wish he would stay tiny and newborn forever :) Okay, maybe not...

1 comment:

  1. I would so love to hold him! He is amazing and wonderful! Love, Nana
