Little Charlie boy just keeps getting bigger and stronger. Here is a list of this month's happenings:
- I took you to the doctor to make sure you didn't have an ear infection (you didn't!), and you weighed 20lbs, 6oz.
- You wriggle across the room like an inchworm, using a army-type crawl (but that belly isn't moving off the floor!).
- You stay sitting up all by yourself. (if we sit you up) You still topple over pretty quickly, but it is getting longer everyday.
- We are starting to give you more solid foods. You like to chew on apple slices, dried mango, and pumpkin pie.
- The sippy cup is fun! It is definitely more of a toy right now, but you like trying to get the water out.
- You waved for the first time - to Granddad!
- You started clapping your hands.
- Sleep is getting better again. You usually only wake up twice, and occasionally only wake up once (usually on the nights we feed you avocado for dinner!)
- You are taking two solid naps each day; about 1.5hours each.
- You love playing with balls, especially if they make noise.
- Monkey and Bumblebee are your current favorite stuffed toys.
- Tooth number two popped through! Both teeth are almost all the way in now - super cute grin!
- You are not quite as easy on the plane now. You wanted to move around and play, not sit still! Of course, you were still a really good boy and didn't fuss very much.
- You took your first ride in the swing at the park. You absolutely loved it!
- You love the feel of the wind or when we blow on your face. You also like to blow on us, too!
- I have to vacuum multiple times each week, since you are like a magnet to any speck of dirt/rock/leaf on the ground.
- You are obsessed with the remotes and phones.
Sweet baby, you are definitely changing so quickly... this month was full of fun new things, and we can't wait to see what next month brings!
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