Thursday, January 24, 2013

Little Boy

What a whirlwind 3 months!  Charlie's language has been absolutely exploding, and he follows his brother around trying to copy his every move.  It is so great to see their relationship and the love that they have for each other.

This quarter has been full of changes: a big move to our new house, adjusting to our little family of three and transitions between our house and dad's house, and less time with Grandma and Granddad.  After being used to seeing them every day, it is strange to go a week or more between visits!

During the past 3 months, Charlie...

  • has started using two-word phrases: momma's shoes, more please, Carter night-night, etc.
  • asks, "What's that?" about EVERYTHING.  He's trying to name everything and his vocabulary grows hourly. 
  • loves school and blows kisses goodbye when we drop him off.
  • has learned lots of sign language at school - he signed "more banana, please"! So cute!
  • is still around 26-27lbs.  Just a bit bigger than average - he's so active that it seems hard to keep all that chub on!
  • loves balls, blocks, and coloring.  He colors on blank paper and in coloring books every single day.
  • really enjoys bath time.  He splashes and plays with bath toys and bubbles forever!
  • really likes to tell you when to change his diaper, "Poop!", but he runs away and won't actually let you change him unless he's held down.  Silly boy!
  • watches "Bubble Guppies" - his favorite show!
  • like to eat strawberries, blueberries, oranges (juice balls!), and hotdogs. Mmmm!
It is hard to believe that Charlie is already a year and a half old!  My little baby is SO much more of a toddler... and rapidly progressing to become a big boy way too soon.  I'm so blessed by his sweet smile and adorable giggles.  He truly is the sweetest little guy!



  1. So cute! So glad to hear that Mr. Charlie is doing well & getting so so smart! I can't believe how different he looks from that little baby of last spring. Our boys are getting too big, way too fast!

  2. So precious!!! I'm waiting for new pictures! I haven't seen him since he was a tiny tot! Hope you and Chris and the boys are doing well! :)
    --Clare & Peyton
