Friday, March 4, 2011

18 Weeks!

Sometimes I forget that I'm already 18 weeks along.  Then, I look down and see my ever-growing stomach... and remember.  Whoa!  As my students say - I'm getting "huger" every day.  I've gained about 10-12 lbs, and I'm feeling great!  Still very excited for my 20 week appointment and ultrasound.  Nana and Grandma will both be on hand to see their newest grandbaby wiggling around in there!
The "fruit" of the week is a sweet potato.  This might be the ugliest sweet potato, but surely it is no representation of my gorgeous growing baby.


  1. Why do they always use food to reference the size of your baby? Don't they know pregnant ladies are already hungry enough as it is?

  2. I KNOW! I've been wanting sweet potato fries for days now...
