Hello, Landlord. I don't live in your state yet, and I can't come and look at the property. Can you just HOLD it for me for another month or so? Just in case I like it? Oh, and can you send me more pictures and interviews with the neighbors, and the ages of all their kids? How many steps to the closest yoga studio? etc...
See? If I send an email like that (which is really what I want to know!), I'll never hear back, and they'll tell their friends all about the crazy transplant from Phoenix coming in to annoy their town. Just what I need! Making friends before I even get there :) So... I stalk, I wait, and I pray for the weeks to fly by. In no time, Chris will be up there, doing in-person stalking for me - which will be much more effective.
Paperwork takes a long time... I did all our house stalking long before we were set to move. We had our lease signed two months before we actually left Phoenix... I say, "Stalk as much you like!"