Monday, August 8, 2011

2 Weeks Old!

Our house has been a whirlwind of activity during the past two weeks.  Nana (Chris's mom) stayed with us for the past 3 weeks - one week in anticipation of Charlie's early arrival - and Chris's sister and brother-in-law were with us over the past weekend.  Carter and Charlie have had tons and tons of attention... but now it is time to get back in the routine of our regular life.  

Charlie had his 2 week check-up today, and he has already hit 9lbs!  Not bad, considering he came home from the hospital weighing about 7lb 4 oz (born at 7lb 15oz).  He is one happy eater and is growing fast. He has also gained almost 2 inches!  He's definitely going to be a little chubber like his brother.  He is sleeping really well, 3-4 hour stretches usually, and he doesn't seem to know how to cry.  Well, he definitely makes his needs known, but in a much cuter, squeakier way.  I'm sure the crying will kick in at some point, but I'm hoping he holds off as long as possible!

Carter has had a hard time adjusting to the diverted attention.  He does not like to share mom and dad, and the disruption of his regular routine has been really tricky.  Luckily, he LOVES his little brother and cuddles him at every opportunity.  He even "babysits" him when I take my shower (don't worry - Charlie is always strapped in a bouncy or swing, so Carter doesn't have to really do much of anything!).  This morning, Carter called to me, "Mom! Charlie is making noise, so I'm singing to him."  Awww... brothers.  Love it!

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