He is pushing every button he can think of to try and get attention - negatively - from me. This morning, I told him that he could not bring snacks to summer camp. He's been going to camp ALL summer, and they provide the snacks - why are we even talking about this? Instead of being reasonable about it, he totally flipped out. Seriously. Like a two-year-old-on-the-floor tantrum. Of course, this was followed by my threat of "Put those snacks away and get in the car in the next 10 seconds or else...". Unfortunately, it just got worse from there. Refusal to leave the house. Refusal to buckle seat belt. Unbuckling seat belt as I was backing out of the driveway. I thought it was going to make my head explode. Luckily, my head is still intact, but now we have a host of consequences - no wii, ipod, ipad, computer or tv for the rest of the day. Have I mentioned that it is raining outside? Bummer. He's going to have one boring afternoon.
Maybe I'm not providing enough positive reinforcement? Maybe this is completely normal? I just feel like mornings like this are *way* harder than I ever thought they would be. Sigh.
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