Monday, May 12, 2008

Stupid Ear Infection

Poor Carter - he has ANOTHER double ear infection.  Ugh.

He managed to go 23 months before getting one, and in the past month he has one that just won't go away!  So, even though we just finished a round on antibiotics, we had to go to the doctor again today to have those little ears checked out... and sure enough, the infection is back.  

We've been doing everything we can - lots of vitamins, garlic ear drops (smelly, but supposedly effective), and even the dreaded antibiotics... but this is a stubborn one.  Hopefully the new prescription will finally get rid of it!

Totally Inspired

I just saw a blog that was created by my friend, Rachael that was all about the happenings in her family... and it inspired me to create my own.  Who will read it?  Probably no one...

Of course, that won't stop me from trying to write a little bit about our crazy, happy family.

The center of our universe is our little boy, Carter.  Everything we do is for him - as it should be :)  He just had his 2nd birthday, and it is crazy to see him growing up so fast!