Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

Today is the day that we get to wear Carter out by letting him play and play and play with all of his new toys. Lucky duck got everything he wanted for Christmas - and even more. The highlight of it all was a new drum set. Music to our ears. Sort-of. He's also enjoying the coolest blow-up car that works with the Wii remote/steering wheel, so he can really "drive" while playing the racing car games. Sweet! Toys just weren't this cool when we were little.

We were so blessed to have so much time with family this Christmas season. Nana visited us last week, and was able to spend almost a week with our sweet boy. Oh, how he LOVES his Nana! I don't think there is anyone else who can listen to him talk endlessly for so long and still find patience for him. Not to mention, she brought super-cool remote controlled cars.

Lots of time was spent with Aunt Kiki and her boyfriend, Scott, who were home visiting from Minnesota. I'll bet they were glad to be enjoying our 70+ degree weather!

It is hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a close. We are sure that 2011 will be our best year yet - full of noise, laughter and big surprises!