Monday, December 26, 2011

5 Months Old

Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Christmas Day was Charlie’s 5-month birthday, and he celebrated it by taking lots of naps, lounging in his Granddad’s arms, and “talking” to anyone who would listen (which was pretty much everyone).

Here’s a quick recap of Charlie’s past month:

  • You love standing (with support, obv) and jumping.  Your legs are getting so much exercise!
  • You took your 2nd and 3rd plane flights.  I’m sure no one will be surprised when I say that you were PERFECT during both.  Not a peep!
  • We lost your precious Sophie.  Looks like you’ll be getting an after-Christmas present this year.
  • You talk and talk and talk... just like your brother!  We can’t wait to hear what real word you say first.
  • Eye infections are no fun.  You had to have antibiotic drops to clear it up, and you also had a pretty yucky cold.  Thanks for sharing both with me!
  • You are still pretty obsessed with any food in sight; it’s obvious that you really want a taste.  I’m curious to see how you do with your first foods.  One more month!
  • You are a roly-poly baby!  Now, you are consistently rolling over, especially when you are trying to get a better view of mom or dad.
  • You have some seriously fabulous belly laughs - the best are saved for your brother, but you are getting more generous with the rest of us.
  • Sleep is not nearly as awesome when we are on vacation.  You are currently waking up every 2-3 hours... which you haven’t done since you were a week old.  Crossing my fingers that this gets better once you are back in your own crib.  Please?
Sometimes it is still hard to believe that we have a second son, and yet it seems like we’ve had Charlie forever.  I wish time would slow down just a tiny little bit, and let me enjoy this infant stage just awhile longer... but I’m excited to see what the next month brings!


Merry Christmas!

Our family has been enjoying another wonderful trip to Arizona.  We have spent time with friends, grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and more.

Christmas morning took just about forever... Carter wasn’t terribly interested in most of his presents (note to self: try buying him things he wants, instead of things I want him to have), but he finally got pretty excited about his new ipod touch.  “It is so important!” Uh, sure it is.  Just what every 5-year old needs, right?  Still, he loves it and has been having a great time blasting playing his music for all to hear.

Charlie was even less enthused with the whole present-opening excitement.  He took two naps during the morning, and left me to open his presents for him.  Luckily, I love unwrapping presents, even if they aren’t for me.

It was a wonderful day, and so special to celebrate the birth of Jesus on the same day as Charlie’s 5-month birthday.  We are so thankful for the gift of our family, and being able to spend so much time together this Christmas season.

I hope your Christmas was as merry and bright as ours was!