Sunday, November 29, 2009

So Proud!

Our family had a huge milestone to celebrate. After 15 months of HARD work, Chris earned his Masters Degree in Business Administration. What a huge accomplishment! We are so proud of the endless amount of effort and perseverance Chris showed while working towards his degree. He's not only brilliant - but he looks great with that cap on, too!

The Graduate!

So proud of his papa :)

Letters (and emails) to Santa

Chris and Carter were creating a letter to Santa. So cute to see Carter trying to think of the things he wants (yes, I'm aware that this is breeding a highly materialistic child...). About 10 minutes later, Carter was playing on Chris's iphone.

Chris: Hey, buddy. What are you doing?
Carter: Sending an email to Santa Claus.

Seriously. And Carter DID send an email from Chris's phone... to one of Chris's friends. Maybe he'll buy Carter's presents this year? One can only hope.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Quality Time

Carter has been a little cranky lately... Mom has been working too much, Dad has been studying too much, and Carter misses us! This weekend is Daddy's LAST weekend at school, and I thought we would kick off the weekend with some quality SLEEPING time. I let Carter sleep with me last night - which consisted of about 5 books, 2 songs, a cup of water, pulling my hair, rubbing my back, demanding that I rub his back ("Not like THAT, mommy! Do it THIS way!")... finally, at 12:30... when I was fast asleep, I was rudely awakened by a large thump on the ground. Sure enough... Carter had rolled right off the bed! I took that as a cue to put him back in his bed. Thankfully, even Carter agreed that it was probably best to sleep close to the ground :) This morning, he came back into my bed for an extra hour of sleeping together though - which was super cute. He rolled over a few times, touched my face and said, "I'm smiling at you!" Aw! Then, it was off to gymnastics and the donut shop... what a great morning!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Aunt Kiki's Visit

We were SO happy to get a visit from Aunt Kiki while she was home for Fall Break. We had quality sister time, and she even got to go with us to Carter's gymnastics class. Carter wasted no time loving on her - and was sad to see her leave. Only a couple months until Christmas!!


girl time - off to see JJ Heller perform


Happy Halloween, early!

our future Doctor

Grandma and Granddad offered to take Carter up to the cabin for Halloween, so we celebrated "in-town" a week early. We met up with friends at a Harvest Festival and Carter had a great time! He especially loved the big Chick-fil-a Cow... and the chicken nugget samples :) He was mesmerized by the cover band, and sang and danced along to the music. Carter really enjoyed the bouncy houses... his favorite was the pretty pink princess house :)


A Visit to the Cabin

happy boy

A couple of weeks ago, Carter and I (mom) headed up north to visit Grandma and Granddad at the cabin in Flagstaff. We were greeted by the beautiful sight of colorful leaves. The reds and yellows were just gorgeous. Grandma had fun teaching Carter (and me, too!) how to make an acorn whistle. He needs a little more practice, but maybe next year he'll get it! As usual, Carter loved golfing with Granddad. He's getting better and better :)

golf lesson

acorn whistles