Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Mullet is Gone!

Well, our little guy is growing up... His beautiful little curls are currently laying on the hallway floor (yeah, I know I need to sweep them up... I'll get to it...).  We finally decided that Carter was growing a bit too old for the mullet (or maybe the mullet was growing too long for him?), so we sat him in the highchair, and I snipped away.  While I certainly don't have a future in hair design, I really did a pretty decent job.  And he suffered through the first hair cut with minimal protesting, until the very end.  What a good boy :)  





  1. How Handsome! Can't wait to see him in person!

  2. The mullett will be sorely missed. As the person who passed along the hair-twirling gene, I know that a young person needs something to twirl while contemplating the world! Please do not forget to save a curl for Nana!
