Tuesday, August 16, 2011


As a first-time mom, I swore I wouldn't use a pacifier.  I felt like many parents just pop a pacifier in their baby's mouth instead of trying to figure out what their baby actually needs.  I didn't want to start a habit that would be hard to break later, and it seemed like Carter got along just fine without one.

Fast-forward 5 years to baby #2: Charlie loves to eat.  Well, more accurately, he loves having something in his mouth.  Unfortunately, this means that he wants to eat all of the time - but ends up spitting up tons of milk because he truly isn't hungry at all.  What a waste a of precious sleeping time milk!  I'm definitely a lot more relaxed this time around, and I'm no longer concerned about starting a bad habit or relying on the pacifier too heavily.  I went to my favorite eco-friendly baby boutique and bought a couple of bpa/phosphate/phthalate-free pacis and an adorable clip to keep it attached to Charlie.  Can't have it falling on the floor!

We'll find out soon if he actually likes it...

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