Saturday, February 12, 2011

What is the Point?

What is the point of children's sports teams? Is it to teach them how to play the game? How to act like a good sport? Practice listening to directions? To just have fun? I contemplated this today, as I watched Carter's last t-ball game of the season. Instead of paying attention to the game, he was busy climbing trees, kicking a soccer ball around, and running everywhere but on the field. One of the moms said to me, "Well, at least he's having fun, and that's why they do this!" Hmm. I'm not so sure I want to spend $100 every 8 weeks, just for "fun". Can't we have fun climbing trees, kicking soccer balls, and running around at home? For FREE? Just sayin'.

I think we are going to attempt another sport for the next season. Carter has his heart set on playing basketball, and I think it might be a little more engaging than t-ball. If he's off climbing trees in the middle of those games, we just might need to take a break from sports teams for awhile, though!

1 comment:

  1. i sorta feel the same way. my husband is adamant that if we have a son he will play t-ball and then baseball but i dont know how young is too young for it to not be effective.
